Friday, March 9, 2012

multiple criteria in WHERE clause (was "T-SQL")

How can you handle multiple criteria query in T-SQL ? i wrote selection query and in my where clause i have about 7 different criteria and for some reason when i run the query i do not get any error but i do not get any data return.

So is there any other way to handle multiple criteria in T-SQL ? do you ever expect Field1 to equal 1 AND equal 2 at the same time? Curious mathematical alternate universe you live in, but since your server seems to be bound to this particular reality, I suggest you look up the "OR" clause in Books Online.|||Maybe you can put this statement inside of a loop and run it until @.@.rowcount > 0. If it runs long enough, math rules might change to include an uncertaintly principal where a finite object can have more than one value at one time. Just an idea.|||blindman,

Actual Field1 is the QuestionID and Field2 is the Answer

Basically one question would have 5 different choice of ans

Ex: Question1 Ans: Excellent, Good....etc

So i need to say in my query that return all rows where QuestionID 1 has Excellent QuestionID2 has Excellent|||Breaking out the crayons today...
WHERE (dbo.Field1= 1 AND Field2= 'Test')
OR (dbo.Field1= 2 AND Field2= 'Test')
OR (dbo.Field1= 3 AND Field2= 'Test')
OR (dbo.Field1= 4 AND Field2= 'Test')
OR (dbo.Field1= 5 AND Field2= 'Test')
...which is logically equivalent to: WHERE dbo.Field1 = IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) AND Field2= 'Test'

...I smell an MS Access GUID addict who thinks every new line is a separate predicate. You need to read up on SELECT statements in Books Online before you go any further with SQL programming.|||blindman,

No, i'm not breaking the Crayons today :-)

I understand what you are saying in your query but in my case it won't work since i'm trying to find all questions which has answer = Excellent.

This is how the questions are ask
Question1 :...........?
Ans: you are given five diff choice and ask to choose one|||Dude, I see references to "Field1", "Field2", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 'test' in your query. Nowhere do I see any reference to 'Excellent'. It is also becoming more and more obvious that you have not even tried to figure this out yourself using the resources available in Books Online. So either do a little more research, or state your question more clearly.|||This query is obviously the output of a tool like Access. The solution in SQL would be simple. It's time to take the leap from GUI created logic to writing your own SQL. You will be glad after the initial learning curve.


You could jump over to the Access forums and get better help.|||No, I don't think this is direct Access output, because it doesn't make syntactical sense. I think it is the output of someone who thinks that if they format their SQL statement to LOOK like the Access Query GUI grid it will behave like an Access Query.
Regardless, it's time to either take off the training wheels or hire a chauffeur to drive you around. Books Online.|||blindman,

Thanks for your help. I figure it out.

And for your quote " it's time to either take off the training wheels or hire a chauffeur to drive you around."

I think u need to take your quote for ur self since i figure out the query without online book reference.|||Well, gosh, how great for you. Maybe next time you can do that BEFORE posting such a simplistic question.|||Do I have to send you to your rooms?

Good Lord.

Dude, did you read the sticky at the top of the forum? It would really help us if you follow that model...

Blind least buy them dinner first....|||Heck no, it's dutch or nothin'.

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