Friday, March 23, 2012

Multiple Fuzzy Lookup

Is it possbile to have multiple fuzzy lookup within a data flow?

I need to have at least 3 fuzzy lookup in a data flow. Here're the conditions that I try to find match: 1=Zip&City, 2=Zip&State, 3=City&State. I've the first fuzzy lookup working fine. After that, I've a conditional split to get any unmatch, then use another fuzzy lookup for a second this point, I get the error saying "The package contains two objects with duplicate name of output column _Similarity..." I do not need to get the _Similarity and _Confidence, so is there a way to exclude them from returning in the output?

Any comments?

Thanks in advance.


Using the Advanced Editor for the Fuzzy Lookup task, you can change the name of the _Similarity and _Confidence fields. This would not exclude them from the data flow, but would solve the duplicate name issue.




I do not find any options to re-name the _Similarity and _Confidence fields from the Advanced tab of the Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Editor. Can you please be more specific?

Thank you for the comment.


On the 'Input and Output properties' tab -'Fuzzy Lookup Output'-'Output Columns'

Use the 'Name' property to rename the fields.


|||Thanks Frank. That's exactly what I was looking for.

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