Friday, March 23, 2012

Multiple group default database

SQL Server 2000. Windows Auth. If a Windows login is a member of multiple
local groups on the SQL Server box, and each local group maps to a SQL Serve
login, and the logins have different default databases, how do you determine
what default database is used for a given Windows login?
There is an order. When I tested it seemed like alphabetical order, but I
did not absolutely verify it. Try assigning the first alphabetical group
for a user to default to a database where he has no rights and see if this
causes a login failure.
"Vern Rabe" <> wrote in message
> SQL Server 2000. Windows Auth. If a Windows login is a member of multiple
> local groups on the SQL Server box, and each local group maps to a SQL
> Server
> login, and the logins have different default databases, how do you
> determine
> what default database is used for a given Windows login?
> Thanks
> Vernsql

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